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Ask a Composter!

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This month, we’re going to be attending  Compost 2020 - The US Composting Council’s annual conference. As experts on composting and compostable packaging, there is always more to learn and improve upon.

We are particularly focused on what composters need in 2020 from the rest of us.

What do you want to know about composting?

You are some of the most eco-passionate brands in the world. And you serve the most eco-passionate consumers out there. What burning questions do you want us to ask the Composters on your behalf?

If you have a question about composting, please let us know by filling out this short form - 

If we don’t have the answer already, we’ll add it to our list of questions to ask prominent composters and composting advocates at Compost 2020.

We’ll check back in with you after the conference with all the answers you need!

Compost Conference 2020